Friday, June 20, 2008

The Kitchin Cupboard is Open

Don't ask me why I name it that... It sounded good at the time.. Maybe in a few weeks I will change the name with my moods!!

It's Friday hooray! That means payday! I love money..... It's amazing how a piece of germy old paper can get you things.

Today my life is pretty uneventful.... Friday is usually movie night. This weeks pic...... drum roll please!!!!!!!! ..................... "The Hulk". Last movie was "Indian Jones" ... two thumbs DOWN :(.

If your up for a rental..... try out "National Treasure, Book of Secrets". Two thumbs UP :).

Did I mention how I love to garden..... more about that later

1 comment:

cannoli said...

love the name and enjoyed reading about your movie review