Friday, June 27, 2008


One of my hobbies is making jewelry (for myself). I love to wear things that I created. I have two wonderful lampwork bead artists that I order things from. They are Palmtree Queen and Torch by Night! These two girls do awesome work. I have put their links on my favorite sites. Please check them out. I will post a few pictures of what I made with their beads when I get a chance!!

We have been getting lots of rain, which means what??.... yes, weeds in the garden. I have decided to put newspaper between the rows so their are no weeds. This way I can just till the paper in the soil at the end of the season.

My husband took me out Tuesday night for dinner and a movie... We went to see the HULK... It was really good. Second to IRON MAN though... Then we tried this new Carribbean restaurant called "VHOODA". The food was average but the outdoor bar was fabulous. It had carribbean music and great decor.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Knee High by July

Well this past weekends rain certainly made everything in the garden shoot up.... Our corn is past knee-high...
I am in the process of putting in an herb garden. I have cilantro, parsley, chives, oregano, sweet basil and dill already in. My husband cut faux wood pcs. for me and I am going to paint them up to label the pots. My harb garden pots surround a potted mum ("The Love Mum"). When I first met Bret he bought it for me and I have been nuturing it ever since and it comes up every year!!!

The movie of the weekend ended up being "Mad Money".... Not a bad rental.... 4 out of 5 stars.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Kitchin Cupboard is Open

Don't ask me why I name it that... It sounded good at the time.. Maybe in a few weeks I will change the name with my moods!!

It's Friday hooray! That means payday! I love money..... It's amazing how a piece of germy old paper can get you things.

Today my life is pretty uneventful.... Friday is usually movie night. This weeks pic...... drum roll please!!!!!!!! ..................... "The Hulk". Last movie was "Indian Jones" ... two thumbs DOWN :(.

If your up for a rental..... try out "National Treasure, Book of Secrets". Two thumbs UP :).

Did I mention how I love to garden..... more about that later