Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kawasaki Krazy

It started a few months ago with the gas price craze. My husbands mentions that we should get scooters... why? because gas is so expesive. Now we have upgraded to HIM getting a full-blown motorcycle.
This does NOT sit well with me. We are just starting out our marriage and we need so many things... like a house for one! Not to mention the danger of a motorcycle and the crazy people that don't pay attention to them.
I have so much built up rage on this subject you can't even imagine. The thing is no matter how I feel on this issue my husband has informed me that he IS getting one.
This certainly is going to ROCK the marriage!!

1 comment:

cannoli said...

WOW....Just make sure you both wear helmets....remember my bro's accident maybe he can take a class of driving one of those