Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Holiday is Over

Well July 4th has come and gone. Our weekend was spectacular!! Weather was great! Three day weekends are always welcome. We are lucky enough to view a great fireworks show from our patio in the backyard. My uncle brought a movie for us to watch.... "The Mist" by Steven King. Let me just say this.......It had the stupidest ending I ever saw.

Now as for the garden this week..... Well I spotted an actual deer in my yard the other morning. I went running with my flip-flops to scare her away. I didn't notice any vegetables eaten but I think she is definately eating the apples on the apple tree.

Last night Bret took me out to dinner.... Red Lobster... Yum!! We have decided to minimize our eating out so we can save money. We just recently laid off some workers where I work. The economy is soooo bad and our business is slow lately. I feel so bad for my employees in our factory. We haven't laid off people in over 40 years. Hopefully this lay-off is temporary. Maybe a week or two.

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