Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kawasaki Krazy

It started a few months ago with the gas price craze. My husbands mentions that we should get scooters... why? because gas is so expesive. Now we have upgraded to HIM getting a full-blown motorcycle.
This does NOT sit well with me. We are just starting out our marriage and we need so many things... like a house for one! Not to mention the danger of a motorcycle and the crazy people that don't pay attention to them.
I have so much built up rage on this subject you can't even imagine. The thing is no matter how I feel on this issue my husband has informed me that he IS getting one.
This certainly is going to ROCK the marriage!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gone in 60 Seconds

Last night Bret was working on fixing his muffler and also helping the next door neighbor cut some wood. I put a pizza in the oven and Bret and Ron were going to eat on the patio. Bret carried out some pizza on plates and no one was paying attention to Wilma ( the dog) so she quickly helped her self to Ron's pizza. "Gone in 60 seconds"

Now everyone in my family knows that when you are going to leave your food un-attended you say "Cover me" and someone will watch your plate. Poor Ron, he just didn't know the rules.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Holiday is Over

Well July 4th has come and gone. Our weekend was spectacular!! Weather was great! Three day weekends are always welcome. We are lucky enough to view a great fireworks show from our patio in the backyard. My uncle brought a movie for us to watch.... "The Mist" by Steven King. Let me just say this.......It had the stupidest ending I ever saw.

Now as for the garden this week..... Well I spotted an actual deer in my yard the other morning. I went running with my flip-flops to scare her away. I didn't notice any vegetables eaten but I think she is definately eating the apples on the apple tree.

Last night Bret took me out to dinner.... Red Lobster... Yum!! We have decided to minimize our eating out so we can save money. We just recently laid off some workers where I work. The economy is soooo bad and our business is slow lately. I feel so bad for my employees in our factory. We haven't laid off people in over 40 years. Hopefully this lay-off is temporary. Maybe a week or two.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Movie Review

Ok, well I just wasted about an hour and a half of my life watching an independent film called "Margot at the wedding". It starred Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Jack Black.... All I can say is "WEIRD"!! Bret made it through the first 2 minutes then he made me change movies. The next night I sat by myself and made it a point to give the movie another try and watched the whole thing....

This weeks movies will be "The Bucket List", "The Kite Runner" and "No Reservations"